No-Bark Trainer
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the BarkCollar?
The BarkCollar is designed to minimize and eradicate excessive barking behavior.
How does the BarkCollar work?
Inside the BarkCollar, a sensor triggers upon the dog's barking. Following a three-second "bark-forgiveness" period, the collar initiates either a vibration or an electronic stimulation. The intensity of this vibration or stimulation is customizable, intended to merely divert the dog's attention from barking. If barking persists, the vibration or stimulation intensity progressively rises from the minimum to the maximum level. Over time, the dog learns to link barking with the vibration or stimulation and realizes that the sensation ceases when the barking stops.
How do I fit the BarkCollar to my dog?
The collar strap should be positioned around the narrowest area of the dog's neck, directly beneath its ears. It should be snugly fitted to ensure that the contact posts make contact with the center of the dog's neck, where the vibrations from its barks can be sensed. Incorrect placement, such as positioning the collar too loosely or too far from the center of the neck, may result in failure to detect barking.
How long does the battery charge last?
The duration of the battery life varies depending on how often the collar is used and the barking habits of the dog. A collar worn continuously and activated frequently will require more frequent recharging compared to one worn intermittently and triggered infrequently. Typically, a charge can last for a month or longer when the collar is worn daily with low to moderate activation levels.
How long does the re-chargeable battery last and is it replaceable?
The rechargeable battery typically lasts for several years. When the duration of a single recharge noticeably decreases, it's time to replace the battery. Replacement batteries can be obtained directly from DogWatch. The process of replacing the battery is straightforward and hassle-free.
Do I need the take the BarkCollar off the dog when not in use?
Certainly. If there's no necessity for the collar to be worn by the dog, it should be removed and switched off. It's advisable to take off the collar during the night to avoid potential skin irritation.
How do I pick the setting that is best for my dog?
Activate the BarkCollar and adjust it to the 'V' (Vibration) mode. Place the BarkCollar on your dog. Monitor the dog's barking behavior, watching for signs such as a head shake, ear twitch, or alteration in the barking pattern. If there's no discernible response or if the dog persists in barking without reacting to the collar, raise the setting by one level and repeat the procedure. Once you notice a subtle reaction from your dog, that setting becomes an appropriate starting point for training.
How long will it take for my dog to stop barking?
Several factors influence the speed at which your dog's behavior will transform, notably including your dog's personality, the frequency of triggers for barking, and your dog's ability to remain focused amidst distractions. Typically, most dogs begin to grasp the connection between barking and the sensation from the vibration or stimulation after experiencing the collar's activation several times. The reduction in barking can occur rapidly in some dogs and more gradually in others. If there's no noticeable improvement after a reasonable trial period, ensure that the collar fits well and that the contact posts are of the correct size. If the collar fit is adequate and barking persists, consider increasing the BarkCollar setting by one level.
How do I know the BarkCollar is working?
Activate the BarkCollar. If the Status Light on the BarkCollar flashes green, it indicates that the battery is charged, and the BarkCollar is operational. Additionally, there is an automatic self-test feature (refer below) to verify the functionality of the BarkCollar.
How do I test the BarkCollar?
The collar features an automatic "self-test" function. Upon activation and with every setting adjustment, it will briefly vibrate and the status light will shine, indicating that the BarkCollar is powered and functioning correctly. This automatic self-test ensures the device is operational and charged as intended.
How big does my dog need to be to use the BarkCollar?
The BarkCollar should be effective on dogs as small as 4 pounds.
How old does my dog need to be to use the BarkCollar?
We recommend waiting until the dog is 4-6 months old.
Is the stimulation going to hurt my dog?
No. The electronic stimulation is mild. Imagine a slight tickle or light static, like touching a metal doorknob after walking across carpet in your socks. The stimulation gets a pet’s attention, similar to a tap on the shoulder.
If used on two dogs, will the bark of one dog set-off the other dog’s collar?
No – the collar must be in contact with the dog’s neck to be activated. It activates in response to vibration, not sound.
Can my dog wear both the Hidden Fence collar and the BarkCollar?
Is the BarkCollar waterproof?
Is there a warranty on the BarkCollar?
Yes. The warranty is one year.
Are there health restrictions?
There are no specific health restrictions. If you have a concern about your dog using a bark collar due to a health condition, we suggest you contact your Veterinarian.
Which contacts should I use?
We recommend using long posts for dogs with long hair or a thick coat. Short posts should be fine for short hair dogs who do not have a thick coat.
Will weather affect how the unit works? (Cold, hot etc.)
The components in the BarkCollar are specified to operate from minus 25 degrees (F) to 125 degrees (F). A significant and rapid change in temperature may temporarily disrupt some of the BarkCollar functions until the device adjusts to the new temperature level.
Can’t find what you need? Give us a call!
Our team of knowledgeable and approachable staff is available to address any inquiries you may have regarding your DogWatch product. Feel free to reach out to us via phone or email to request additional information or schedule an appointment. We're here to assist you.