
No-Bark Trainer

Please use the resources provided below to delve deeper into your DogWatch product. Should you not find the answer to your inquiry here, kindly reach out to us via our Contact Us section for further assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the purpose of the BarkCollar?

  • How does the BarkCollar work?

  • How do I fit the BarkCollar to my dog?

  • How long does the battery charge last?

  • How long does the re-chargeable battery last and is it replaceable?

  • Do I need the take the BarkCollar off the dog when not in use?

  • How do I pick the setting that is best for my dog?

  • How long will it take for my dog to stop barking?

  • How do I know the BarkCollar is working?

  • How do I test the BarkCollar?

  • How big does my dog need to be to use the BarkCollar?

  • How old does my dog need to be to use the BarkCollar?

  • Is the stimulation going to hurt my dog?

  • If used on two dogs, will the bark of one dog set-off the other dog’s collar?

  • Can my dog wear both the Hidden Fence collar and the BarkCollar?

  • Is the BarkCollar waterproof?

  • Is there a warranty on the BarkCollar?

  • Are there health restrictions?

  • Which contacts should I use?

  • Will weather affect how the unit works? (Cold, hot etc.)

Can’t find what you need? Give us a call!

Our team of knowledgeable and approachable staff is available to address any inquiries you may have regarding your DogWatch product. Feel free to reach out to us via phone or email to request additional information or schedule an appointment. We're here to assist you.